Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Well the work for is over....

it was not fun while it lasted :P I was reminded why I left D3ntrix in the first place an why I LOVE my new job.

So what ever happened to Eric ?????


Kr5is said...

What is the new job? Tell us about it. I'm sort of 600 Miles out of the loop, so any neat stories may help.


Word Verification = xlsom

Gubi said...

So was this just a quick 2 week job or something? Did you quit it or something? I am a little out of the remote tech support options loop of things.

Kri5s, he works at a realestate company place, support for their site and what not, as far as I understand it.

Gubi said...

Need an update man, it has been a month and a half!

Eric said...

i'm alive friend, just stuck on dial up read my latest post