Friday, February 02, 2007

Yeah D3ntrix.....

D3ntrix called me up and made an offer that i could not resist to turn down....

$1*.00 (they asked me not to talk about it) an hour to take calls from my basement.
15 hours a week, 3 hours aday taking Core calls, they are Providing a computer, a phone, a router, and pay me for my inet.

I also bought a Sony (i know, i know am supporting the Evil Anti gamer Company) KDL 46S2010 46" BRAVIA S LCD 720p . I got it on sale for $1798.00 with no taxes and free shipping.
I LOVE IT, Gears of War is awsome in 720p and Zelda on my Wii is great in wide screen 480p.


Gubi said...

That is awesome. Congradulations to you on the second job. Specially if you are getting paid that good for it. I want a big screen TV so bad, I mean currently mine is a 32" which isnt bad, but I was a 50" or larger. Wicked awesome. Well, later

Eric said...

you just rubbed serveral dreams of mine right in my face

kudos to you